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This is the horoscope - prediction for the sign of aries for 2012, aries will have a stresfull year 2012, affecting especially work and career.

Work: Possibility of deep changes in this area, a change of job and career is not unprobable, the natives of the first decanate of aries will be the most affected.

The natives of aries may also take sudden decissions, they may want to break with routine and sometimes relationships that they feel are limitating their freedom. There is possibility of breaking a long time love relationship and possibility of divorce, probably initiated by the native of aries, not by the couple.

Love and relationships: the native of aries may feel during the year 2012 that the love relationship requires a lot of atention an d may get tired, the love relationships may get colder and some aries could take a decission to end a love relationship they feel like restricting and limitating. Our suggerence is that the aries person should think twice, because this may be only temporally, for a few years and later the relationship may become much more stronger.

Money: the aries person may have some good news regarding money, although should not expect too much money, but anyways, the year 2012 will be good in money terms (with the exepction of the persons of the first decanate of aries who may have more problems, although they will do have some luck as well). In general, in 2012, they will find that when they need some money to pay a bill or a debt, they could receive such money from "nowhere", although they should not expect lots of money.

Resuming, the year 2012 may be a stressful year for most of aries, especially those born in the first decan of aries, meanwhile those aries born inh the second and third decan of aries will have also a stresful year but in lesser degree. The natives of aries may feel an inner tension and inner desire of freedom, they could want lots of freedom and this may lead them to take sudden decissions, especially decissions like breaking a love relationship, leaving a job or breaking friendship with her friends. Some of these sudden decissions may be right, they need freedom and some of them could bring them new airs, but they should twink twice because some of those sudden decissions could bre wrong, and later they could regret. So even if the inner desire for freedom of the native of aries makes them want to break with everything, they should think twice and ask for suggestion to a counselor or friends.

Horoscope 2012 for the astrological sign of aries